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Site-Specific Research

A Randomized Clinical Trial to Evaluate a Community-based, Non-pharmacologic Program to Enhance Active Pain-Management Strategies for Individuals with SCI

Chronic pain after SCI typically begins within the first 6 months post-injury and remains prevalent over time, affecting as many as 80% of individuals at 25 years post-injury. This secondary condition has a profound impact on all arenas of life, has been associated with depression, unemployment, and reduced quality of life, and has significant costs due to healthcare utilization and lost productivity.


Our site-specific research will expand the populations served by, and conduct a randomized clinical trial to fully evaluate a program for community-based, non-pharmacologic pain management for those with chronic pain after SCI. This research study will also examine the added benefits of a novel method of relaxation, heart rate variability biofeedback training, in persons with SCI.


This focus on integrating active pain management strategies into daily life is particularly relevant in the SCI population, as the negative impacts of chronic pain have been shown to be mediated by reduced participation.


Interested to learn more about SCIMS?

If you are interested in participating, please contact the Pathokinesiology Laboratory at RLANRC at (562) 385-7177 and we will be willing to answer any of your questions.

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