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Collaborative Research

The SoCal-SCIMS is optimally poised to collaborate with other SCIMS in medical research

Determinants of Bowel-related Quality of Life in Individuals with Acute and Chronic SCI

The negative effects of bowel dysfunction after SCI are significant, with a majority of responders rating bowel dysfunction as a top rehabilitation priority in several surveys of individuals with SCI. Indeed, neurogenic bowel dysfunction (NBD) is highly prevalent after spinal cord injury (SCI), occurring in 68% of individuals with SCI and in 100% of those with complete injuries. Despite the significant challenges and perceived negative impacts of NBD on QOL, changes in bowel function after an SCI are poorly understood, particularly whether or not any significant changes occur in the early post-injury period (0-3 years).


This collaborative research project module led by SoCal-SCIMS will identify factors that influence bowel-related quality of life to inform clinical practice in this critical area.

Interested to learn more about SCIMS?

If you are interested in participating, please contact the Pathokinesiology Laboratory at RLANRC at (562) 385-7177 and we will be willing to answer any of your questions.

What's Happening in the SoCal-SCIMS

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